What's New - Site History

June 25, 2012

Changed hosting service to FatCow.

February 2012

SIM #8 - Space Suits released.

August 2010

SIM TR-1 Skylab released.

April 2010

Reprinted SIM #3 Space Shuttle. 

September 2007

Added info on new SIM #7 Lunar Module. 

New Postage Rates (May 2007)

The US Postal Service came out with new rules and rates for postage in May 2007.  Most rates for US customers have minor changes, in fact some levels are actually lower.  The padded envelope I used for the Space Modelers pins is now classified as a "package," so now it costs $1.13 instead of the old 39 cents (which actually should have been 52 cents since it is thinker than 1/4 inch).  So I raised that rate a bit.  Oddly, foreign postage is the same for an envelope or a package, so it may be cheaper to mail a pin to London than Chicago.  Additionally, international rates are a bit simpler, so outside Mexico and Canada the rates are essentially identical for most customers.  The new rates are now incorporated into the order form.  

Fall 2006

Posted some progress photos of 1/48th scale Monogram Lunar Module.

July 2003

Posted the revised order form, which now has a built in postage calculator that covers foreign as well as U.S. orders.

May 2003

SIM #6 - Apollo CSM is done, and there is a lot of new stuff in the Apollo reference section, including links to color versions of all the photos in the book.

November 2002

Posted model photos in my gallery section. These links have been dead for a long time, and now you can see some of my scratchbuilt space models.

July 2002

Added reference info on new Hubble ST solar arrays.

Summer 2001

Added intro material on Apollo in anticipation of the first of a pair of SIM books on Apollo.

October 10, 2000

Loaded the first entry in the Kit Gallery section (still needs an intro page). It is an article on building an on-orbit version of Revell's 1/48th scale Mercury capsule.

October 1, 2000

Added some miscellaneous Mercury capsule detail photos.

March 19, 2000

Added the section on modelling the Space Shuttle

Dec. 3, 1999

Added the section on IPMS contests and categories plus a short selection of space modeling web links.

Nov. 21, 1999

Made some revisions to the Mercury Little Joe flight descriptions and related photos.

August 8, 1999

Posted content in the "IPMS Stuff" area, including commentary on the 1999 IPMS/USA National Convention.

July 5, 1999

Now that SIM #5 - Mercury is available, I've revised the Mercury area and included it on the order form.

Feb. 26, 1999

I added a table to sort out the capsule markings and configuration changes. It helps track which color pattern to use for a particular Little Joe flight, for example, and which capsule had what kind of hatch. It also shows holes in my research. So if anyone has good capsule photos (LJ-5 is an example), please jump in.

Feb. 21, 1999

There are all new GIF drawings of the boilerplate Mercury capsules and minor updates to the other markings sketches. There are also numerous new links and revisions to the table and mission notes.

Jan. 23, 1999

I've added details on the SIM books and how to order them.

Jan. 17, 1999

Several people have asked about the correct colors for the equipment in the interior of the Gemini Adapter Section. So I added a bit of text and a link to a photo.

This page revised June 26, 2012

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