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SIM #4 - Soviet Spacecraft

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[SIM #4 Cover]

The fourth volume in the Space In Miniature series is the result of five years of research to create the most comprehensive and accurate collection of scale drawings of the manned spacecraft of the former Soviet Union. Besides the drawings, there is all the information a modeler will need to build an accurate, detailed model of any Soviet manned space vehicle. This volume was released in June, 1997. The digital (pdf) version was created in 2014 and includes bonus material: a detailed review of the Airfix Soyuz Rocket (R7 booster) and scale plans for the BOR-4 lifting body vehicle.

Originally 41 pages, "Soviet Spacecraft" now has 49 pages of content, and is one of the biggest in the SIM series. The focus is on manned Russian (former Soviet Union) spacecraft. It includes scale drawings of Vostok and Voskhod and thirteen unique versions of the Soyuz vehicle. Scale drawings of both versions of Progress are also included. Salyuts 6 and 7 are thoroughly covered via the line drawings of Dietrich Haeseler, plus isometrics showing the color patterns of each. The configuration of Mir as of the first Shuttle docking mission in 1995 is documented by scale drawings based on NASA data. There is also information on available model kits of Russian spacecraft as well as articles on scratchbuilding, accurate colors, and converting the old Revell ASTP kit.

This title sold out of the original print run in 2000, and and due to the high cost of printing, only photocopies are available as hard copies. The new digital version is a clean re-creation with the original content but many illustrations and photos are now in color. See the order form to order.

$18.00 plus shipping for the photocopy

$8.00 for the digital download

This page revised 12/9/24