SIM Order Form

SIM Order Form

To order, just type directly into this form (shipping charges are calculated automatically), print it out, and return it with a check payable to Michael Mackowski. You can also use this to calculate the total for a Paypal transaction (at this link). If you are ordering more than six books please contact me to figure out the best rate.  Overseas customers can pay via a check drawn on a US bank, an international money order, or an international postal money order. PayPal is also available for many overseas customers. Please, no foreign currency.

Volume    (*photocopy) Price Quantity Amount
SIM 1.1 - The New Scale Spacecraft Primer
SIM 1.1 - The New Scale Spacecraft Primer (pdf download)
SIM 2 - Gemini* $14.00
SIM 2 - Gemini (pdf download) $7.00
SIM 3.1 - Space Shuttle (paper)
SIM 3.1 - Space Shuttle (pdf download)
SIM 3.1 Combo - Space Shuttle (paper + pdf)
SIM 4 - Soviet Spacecraft* $18.00
SIM 4.1 - Soviet Spacecraft (pdf download) $9.00
SIM 5 - Mercury*  $18.00
SIM 5 - Mercury (pdf download) $10.00
SIM 6 - Apollo CSM $12.00
SIM 6 - Apollo CSM (pdf download) $10.00
SIM 7.1 - Apollo Lunar Module (paper)
SIM 7.1 - Apollo Lunar Module (pdf download)
SIM 7.1 Combo - Apollo Lunar Module (paper + pdf)
SIM 8 - Space Suits $12.00
SIM 9 - Building Gemini (paper)
SIM 9 - Building Gemini (pdf download)
SIM 9 Combo - Building Gemini (paper + pdf)
SIM 10 - Saturn V (paper)
SIM 10 - Saturn V (pdf download)
SIM 10 Combo - Saturn V (paper + pdf)
SIM TR-1 - Skylab $6.00
SIM TR-2 - Mir $8.00
SIM TR-3 - Nova $6.00
SIM TR-4 - Energiya Buran $7.00
SIM TR-5 - Shuttle Payloads $10.00
SIM TR-6 - US Space Missiles $10.00
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Please send your order to: Michael Mackowski Allow four weeks for delivery.
  1022 W. Juanita Ave. (The downloads will come via email link)
  Gilbert, AZ 85233  

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This page revised 7/1/24